
No Male Bashing Here! … OK; Maybe Just a Little Bit.

Before I start, it is really NOT my intention to male bash here, but I really DON’T get it. Now, I see why women have such a difficult time in their relationships with men. Am I wounded? Have I gone through too many bad experiences that have, in effect, made me judgmental towards men? I don’t know, but maybe you all can help me out here.

That book everyone talks about, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, comes to mind as I write this blog entry. I will spare you the grueling details on why this subject matter has reached the surface of my brain, but I have had many  conversations (a couple conversations most recently) with men where they have NO CLUE or understanding of what I’m speaking. I do have a college education, but I try to talk in laymen terms on a regular basis. But, from the reaction of men lately, you’d think I was talking about some complicated medical formula because what I say seems to go way over their heads.

I will give you an example:

There is this guy that I’ve known for five years. That’s right, five years of friendship. And, about a month ago, we discussed going on a wine tasting trip together. It seemed fine to me. We found a weekend trip that looked like fun a couple of hours away, but it would have required us to stay together overnight, which we have never done. So, I, the level-headed and moral-based woman that I think I am, asked him if he had a girlfriend, because I would OF COURSE, not consider doing a weekend getaway trip with a guy who has a girlfriend. I just think that’s disrespectful.

Long story short. Yes, he had a girlfriend (which boggles my mind that he never told me, since we are friends), and he still saw nothing wrong with going on the weekend getaway. And, get this, he had no intention of telling her he was going with me. He was just going to tell her he was hanging out with a friend for the weekend. Pretty generic. Now, mind you, he has never made a move on me, and perhaps it was never his intention to make a move on me that weekend. But, I still thought this was wrong! And he, he didn’t get what my issue was. This was wrong on so many levels to me. Sketchy!

So, now fast forward, because of this incident, he told me most recently that he would cancel out someone “like me” as a girlfriend because I would probably have a problem with him hanging out with his friends, since most of them are female.

Huhhhh? Ummm, is he stupid? Is there some type of chemical imbalance that made him take what I said to him, have it thrown way over his head for him to miss catching it and it drowns in the ocean behind him? Who in their right mind…

Now, mind you, I’d like to think I’m a pretty friendly person, open-minded, and genuinely sincere. And, I’m not trying to put myself on a pedestal, but I believe most men are a little slow, have a drop of dumbness (or lack of trying to understand things) and have communication problems. Not all men, just most (lol. Sorry, guys). We all know that women mature faster then men (it’s a proven fact!).

I can’t be the only one that feels this way. Ladies, when you speak to men, whether it is a spouse or a friend, do you notice that oftentimes they misinterpret what you are trying to say? Do you notice a look of confusion on their faces? Do you notice when you ask them a question, they answer it, but it has NOTHING to do with what you are trying to convey? Men, do you feel that it’s us, the women, who have problems communicating or understanding reality?

I really need to get the bottom of this before I start thinking all men are the same.

It frustrates the hell out of me! So, much that I put the following post on my Facebook status this morning:

WANTED: Mature men between ages 30-35 who are not STUPID!
Currently taking applications. Please inquire within.
Apparently, it’s a rare species.

I apologize to the men reading my blog post if you feel offended. But, please (and, I know this is a pretty general statement) let me know your thoughts on how you believe women and men relate to one another because I damn well don’t get it!

Stay blessed.

~ H. Amber

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